Adding PPD printer driver to macOS 10.15 Catalina

When trying to add an Océ Plot Wave 550 wide-format printer to my new Catalina install on my MacBook Pro, I discovered that I could not add the PPD file like I always could before.  I could select Other... for the driver and navigate to the folder containing the PPD file, but all the files were grey and could not be selected.

I discovered that the following location had a bunch of gzipped printer PPD files in it: /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources

So I copied the ocpw5505.ppd file that I needed to "Oce PlotWave 550" and gzipped it to get "Oce PlotWave 550.gz".  Then I copied it to /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources

When I tried to add the printer again, I chose Select Software... and the Oce PlotWave 550 was there in the list.  I selected it, and everything worked fine.

* Essential notes: Use the Line Printing Daemon and make sure the Queue value is not blank.


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