Canon Powershot A520 working

Add the following lines to /etc/usbd.conf:

device "Canon Digital Camera"
devname "ugen[0-9]+"
attach "/usr/local/bin/camera_attach"

Save the following script as /usr/local/bin/camera_attach:

/sbin/devfs ruleset 10
/sbin/devfs rule add path 'ugen*' mode 666
/sbin/devfs rule applyset

Make the script executable by executing the following command as root:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/camera_attach

Make sure the following line appears in /etc/rc.d


restart usbd by issuing the following two commands as root:

/etc/rc.d/usbd stop
/etc/rc.d/usbd start

Now you should be able to connect the camera and start downloading pictures with gtkam or gphoto2!


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