Back in the Unix game

Well, working with a windows only machine sure made life difficult. Now I am back in the Unix
game with a shiny new Macbook running OS X Tiger. I was pleased to find out that it uses the
ipfw firewall which is what I was using before. Since I have only had this for machine for two days, I have not explored much of the unix side of things except to setup my preferred colors in the shell, turn on the firewall, and edit some files with vim. I downloaded the beta version of VMWare Fusion and installed Windows XP Pro so I could do some of my specialized school work. The performance is good enough if I don't switch between the Mac and Windows worlds much. A RAM upgrade should speed things up.

Of course, I had to install the Opera web browser. So far I like the OS X interface. Oh yeah, I had to add a few essentials like Desktop Manager for virtual desktops and QuickSilver for easy program launching. NeoOffice, the native OS X version of, meets all my office productivity needs.

I look forward to playing with this little machine. One cool thing about the terminal is that it supports true transparency. I was watching a DVD under my terminal. Very cool!


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