Parallels 3.0 vs VMWare Fusion 1.1

I thought I would add to the discussion of Parallels vs VMWare Fusion. For those who don't know, both of these programs run on Intel Macs and provide a way of running other operating systems alongside Mac OS X. Most commonly, this is used to run Windows programs on the Mac. Until recently, I had no interest in trying Parallels because I knew VMWare was coming out soon. I have used VMWare in the past and have been impressed. However, recently I installed Parallels 3.0 to troubleshoot something at work. The install lasted less than a day on my system because it the software my company develops did not work with Parallels 3.0 running on Leopard, but worked flawlessly in VMWare Fusion 1.1 running on Leopard.

I currently work for Aquaveo, LLC which develops the XMS family of programs for water resources engineers. I did not make benchmarks of Parallels vs VMWare because Parallels simply did not work right. I am still a fan of VMWare because I have had no problems with it at all and the virtual machines are very fast.


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