Useful tools and tricks for using a Mac in the Enterprise environment (was Adventures in running FreeBSD 6.1 on a Dell Latitude C400)
Dual Screen Remote Desktop
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rdesktop is pretty cool. Check out an rdp session between a machine running Ubuntu remoting to a windows box. rdesktop is using both monitors for the remote windows desktop. Pics below:
For heath and productivity reasons, I like to work standing up. My employer is rather slow at providing such accommodations, so I using the following setup made from printer paper: Then, someone raised a concern that in a minor earthquake, the monitor might fall onto my neighbor or out the window and requested I take down my setup. So I did, but then I found a solution to that problem by moving it over a bit on my desk.
Long have I wanted the all-in-one functionality of Adium with the AV chat capabilities of iChat. I really wanted to use iChat for all my messaging needs. I have finally achieved my goal using Openfire , a free XMPP server, and the Kraken plug-in that provides the tranports for other instant messaging services. In my case, I am interested specifically in IRC, but I got my little-used MSN account working also for test purposes. Kraken provides many different tranports. I should clarify my goal a bit. I only care about AV capabilities for protocols that iChat officially supports so I have not tested anything beyond text chatting with MSN. I only use IRC for text chat anyway, no DCC or file transfers. What do you need? You need to install the Openfire server and the Kraken plug-in. The Current versions when I did this were Openfire 3.6.4 and Kraken 1.1.3.beta2. Openfire had a binary download for OS X Snow Leopard, but I had to build Kraken from source. Click on this direct link ...
I was browsing the Mac Power Users forum when I ran across this question : "I’m trying to figure out a way to record a demo of my web-based software simultaneously recording a desktop view and a mobile view. I basically want to use and interact with one browser window and have another browser window showing the same thing but with a mobile view. Thoughts?" I use QuickTime Player. Connect your iPhone/iPad to your Mac with a lightning cable and start a New Movie Recording. Pick your iPhone/iPad screen as the video source by clicking the little drop down arrow next to the red recording button. You will get a window showing the contents of your device's screen. There is no need to actually start recording this video. Leave that window open and start a New Screen Recording in QuickTime player at the same time. Then just arrange your iPhone window and browser window on your screen and start recording. You will see both things at the same time. ...