MS Word and Track Changes

I discovered something nice in MS Word today regarding track changes. For most of the documents I need to review, I have wished that there was a way to tell Word not to track formatting changes. Nobody ever cares about them and they just make it take longer to accept individual changes.

Today I discovered how to batch accept/reject all of the formatting changes only. You need to show only formatting changes, then use the arrow next to the Accept/Reject change button to choose Accept/Reject all changes shown. Then show the insertions and deletions as well as comments. Voila! No more formatting changes to clutter the view or take up your time.

The other cool thing my friend showed me is how to copy the tracked changes, aka markup, from one document to another. My particular use case is when migrating a document under review to a new template while preserving the change history. All that is required is to turn off track changes in both the source and destination documents, view either original showing markup or final showing markup, and copy/paste the desired text. You now have migrated the content to the new document with the changes (markup) intact. You are now free to turn track changes back on in the destination document if you want to track additional edits.


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