It has been quite a while since my last post. I have discovered some great software. The Fink project is quite nice as it allowed me to easily install octave (a matlab clone) with gnuplot and aquaterm. Transmit is a very nice FTP client for the mac, but it is a bit expensive. Also, shapeshifter is pretty fun if you want to play with themes, but I always come back to Aqua because it is very hard to find other themes that are really useable. I hate having my interface get in the way, which is why I liked the ion window manager so much on my FreeBSD machine.

Oh yeah, I got that RAM upgrade I mentioned a few posts back. Now running at 2 GB of RAM. The system is really smooth! I can run Windows XP in VMWare and OS X together with no performance loss. Let's see, I use vobcopy and Handbrake to get Movies onto my computer. Handbrake is the best ripper I have used so far. It even has presets for Apple TV, iPod video, and others.


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